Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The great garage ATTACK! (story at 11)

For the past year since we've moved into the new house the garage has been one of those things I said I'd get to later. Over the weekend I decided I'd had enough (of my own) sh*t and needed to get my a$$ in gear. And by sh*t in gear I mean the unpacked boxes, 5 bottles of weed killer, 3 sets of gardening gloves, yard waste bags, quick melt & other accoutrements cluttering up my garage.

Enter from stage left, unassembled Ikea shelves collecting dust in my basement. I love Ikea and these shelves were calling to me from the basement. I was impressed that I also found a baggie in the basement appropriately labeled 'Ikea basement shelves'. I do actually impress myself sometimes . . . sometimes.

So, armed with some self motivation & a Sunday evening screaming to get something accomplished, I ATTACKED the garage. [insert awesome pictures of the progress here . . . if i had my camera hooked up to my computer maybe :-) ].

What started as a mess definitely now is less of a mess. I don't think I can check the box & call the garage done yet, but what a difference! If I'm lucky I will get to attacking the garage with even more gruesomeness before long.